Sunday 19 July 2015

A Field Trip to Yogyakarta

Last May I went to Yogyakarta for a school field trip for me it's a new place because I've never been to Jogja before, our trip was accompanied by the tour guide. For the first day and our first destination we went to the Batik factory and Batik store named Batik Raradjonggrang, it's located at Tritodipuran road number 18, Yogyakarta we had a great time there and we do our own hand painted batik. here are some pictures when I was at the Batik factory.
After a fun activity & shopping at the Batik factory now I'm going to the HS silver factory we saw how the people establish the silver into a jewelry and others we can also buy some jewelry there 😃 here are some picture when I was at the silver factory.
And finally after a tiring day I checked in to the hotel that my teacher & the tour guide booked for me and my friends, we stayed at The 101 Hotel it's located at Tugu road. for me this hotel is a transit hotel and it's strategic to people who love to travel around the Jogja the room is small but it's clean and neat and one more that i like from this hotel is it has a great balcon because there are some hanging plants that makes it good and one more the hotel is kinda near to the mall and Malioboro, Malioboro is a major shopping street that is really famous at Jogja.
After I take a bath and take a little rest now I'm going to have my dinner at one of unique restaurant called Je-jamuran, I called it unique because they sell everything with mushrooms it's really good for vegetarians because they didn't sell any beef or other stuff just mushrooms, amazing isn't?!

Day 2 

As the second day at Jogja I feel that i already kind of familiar with the place near my hotel and for the first destination in second day I started it with rafting at Elo River, my friend told me that it was really fun yet little bit tiring. after a fun and wet rafting I'm now going to Borobudur Temple it's located near with the rafting place. The Borobudur Temple was really amazing because there are some carvings at the stones and they've made it during the ancient time, wow really amazing! and finally I arrived at the peak of the temple.

Day 3 

For the first destination on third day i go to the Keraton it was really crowded and there are so many people from different area there are some ancient things too and ancient pictures of the Sultans. After I walk around the Keraton I'm now going to Pentingsari Village for some activities like plowing and catching some fishes. We really had a great days at Jogja and we also had a great memory hope that I can be back here and explore more and more about Jogja, see you on the other posts and thank you for reading ❤️!

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